Scientific Journal of the BirdLife Hungary

A Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület tudományos folyóirata

Ornis Hungarica. vol.8 Suppl. 1.. (1998) p.215-217.

Az uhu (Bubo bubo) előfordulása, fészkelési szokásai és védelme a Zempléni-hegységben
Firmánszky Gábor

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During the last decades, the only remaining breeding area of the Eagle Owl in Hungary was the Zemplén-Mountains. A very important task for Hungarian ornithology is to survey and to protect these breeding pairs. The conservation of the species requires the knowledge of its life history and behaviour,. At the beginning of this work there was only one pair of Eagle Owls. In the following years, I I possible nesting sites were identified, and successful reproduction was recorded at 9 sites. We managed to ring 47 nestlings.