Scientific Journal of the BirdLife Hungary

A Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület tudományos folyóirata

Ornis Hungarica. vol.4. (1994) p.25-30.

Is information transfer always advantageous when food patchily distributed? A simple ESS model
Z. Barta and T.szép

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One of the potential benefits of colonial breeding may be using information on the location of food gained from other members of the colony. Obtaining this information without searching may improve the foraging efficiency especially when food occurs in rich patches whose locations are unpredictable both in space and time. A question is arising: is this efficiency really improved by the information transfer? Using the game theory we modeled the problem by two strategies: (1) Searcher looks for food actively and (2) Follower reaches the food patch by following Searchers. Investigating the equilibrium between these strategies we concluded that information transfer may increase the individuals' average foraging efficiency when the Searchers gain benefits from the exchange too.