Scientific Journal of the BirdLife Hungary

A Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület tudományos folyóirata

Instruction for authors

- General information
- Manuscript format
- Submission and review of manuscripts
- Proofs
- Electronic and printed publication

General information

All manuscripts submitted to Ornis Hungarica should not be published, submitted or accepted for publication in any other electronic or printed journal/book or elsewhere.

Main types of papers considered for publication:

  • Original article, either presenting theoretical or empirical studies, should follow international standards. Its content should be detailed and statistical analyses are recommended in all cases, where applicable.
  • Review paper, summarising the knowledge on any fields of ornithology, with scientific demand. Meta-analyses are also welcome.
  • Short communication, substantially shorter than original articles, presenting new observations, methods, or information for the broad ornithological community, can be an alternative.
  • Manuscript format

    Currently, Ornis Hungarica receives submissions via e-mail where the preferred format of electronic files is .docx. The text should be double-spaced between lines. All lines should be numbered consequentially on all pages. Both British and American spelling is acceptable, but the two must not be mixed in the same manuscript.

    The following sections are recommended for the manuscripts, but certain articles (e.g., review papers) may differ:

  • Title, followed by the list of authors, their affiliations and the contact detail of the corresponding author
  • Abstract (in English and if it is feasible, in Hungarian)
  • Keywords
  • Main text
  •   Introduction
      Material and Methods
      Declarations (e.g., conflict of interest, ethical statements, authors’ contributions)
      Tables with title
      Figures with captions.

    The Abstract should be a brief summary of the study, with special attention to the aims of the study, the used methods, and the main findings and conclusions. The abstract must also be provided in Hungarian (for foreign authors, help from the editorial staff is available).

    A minimum of 3-5 keywords should be provided after the abstract, in English and also in Hungarian. Please choose such keywords that do not appear in the title or the abstract of the study to facilitate the broader availability of the article for common search engines.

    Measurement units should follow the SI standards. Statistical terms and abbreviations should be used to indicate the results of statistical analyses. Detailed explanation is required in all ambiguous cases.

    The names of bird species should be written in English, which should be capitalized (e.g., House Sparrow). Scientific names should be provided in italic at the first mention of the species in the text. In tables with extensive list of species, only scientific names are recommended. For scientific names, the name of the first describer (auctor) and the date of the first description are optional.

    References in the text may be cited in two ways: either as Hale (1980), or as (Hale 1980). Multiple references should be listed in chronological, and subsequently in alphabetical order (Keve & Schmidt 1974, Schmidt 1974a, 1974b, Aradi 1983). Separate the references with commas, but do not use any punctuation marks between the name of the author and the year of publication. References with more than two authors should be cited by using ‘et al.’ (please note the use of italic) after the name of the first author (e.g., Smith et al. 2002). All referred items in the main text, table titles, figure legend should be fully cited in the References. The bibliography should follow an alphabetic then a chronological order. If there are references to articles by the same author, the reference to the single authored papers should precede the multi-authored papers. The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) of the referred items should be provided, where it is available.

    Examples for the style of citations currently used in Ornis Hungarica:

    Ónodi, G. & Winkler, D. 2016. Nest site characteristics of the Great-spotted Woodpecker in a bottomland riparian forest in the presence of invasive tree species. – Ornis Hungarica 24(1): 81–95. DOI: 10.1515/orhu-2016-0005.
    Keserű, Zs., Csiha, I., Kovács, Cs., Rásó, J. & Rédei, K. 2017. Vörös tölgyesek természetes felújítása és erdőnevelése: Esettanulmányok [Natural regeneration of red oak (Quercus rubra) stands: case studies]. – Erdészettudományi Közlemények 7(2): 115–125. DOI: 10.17164/EK.2017.008. (in Hungarian)
    Pietersz, J. J. 2010. Fungsi Dan Peran Lembaga Kewang Dalam Perlindungan Lingkungan Di Maluku [Functions and Roles of Kewang Institutions in Environmental Protection in Maluku]. – Jurnal Konstitusi 2(1): 1–22. (in Indonesian with English Summary)

    Allaby, M. 2010. A Dictionary of Ecology, 4th ed. – Oxford University Press DOI: 10.1093/acref/9780199567669.001.0001.
    Gorman, G. 2011. The Black Woodpecker. A monograph on Dryocopus martius. – Lynx Edicions.
    Randall, A. 2007. Benefit Cost Analysis and a Safe Minimum Standard of Conservation. – Handbook of Sustainable Development, pp. 91–105.

    Book chapter:
    Short, L. L. 1988. – Jynx torquilla Eurasian Wryneck. – In: Fry, C. H., Keith, S. & Urban, E. K. (eds.) The Birds of Africa, Vol. 3. – Academic Press, San Diego.

    Conference paper:
    Harkes, I. & Novaczek, I. 2000. Institutional Resilience of Sasi Laut, a Fisheries Management System in Indonesia. – In 8th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property IASCP in Bloomington Indiana USA May 31st – June 4th.

    Saiya, H. G. & Heij, C. J. 2017. Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Adat Di Maluku Untuk Konservasi Burung Gosong Maluku (Eulipoa wallacei) [Local Wisdom of Indigenous Peoples in Maluku for Conservation of Moluccan Scrubfowl (Eulipoa wallacei)]. – Prosiding Seminar Nasional & CFP I IDRI (October): 17–25. (in Indonesian)

    For other non-periodical publications, e.g., compilation volume, conference material, possibly a passage from a book, a ‘pp.’ marking is required before the page numbers. In case of conference materials, always refer to the year of publication, not to the year in which the conference took place.

    The Acknowledgement section should be concise, and placed at the end of the article just before the References. Declarations (e.g., conflict of interest, ethical statements, authors’ contributions), if relevant, should be placed between the Acknowledgement and the References.

    The importance of using tables and/or figures should be carefully considered, and they are recommended only if their interpretation substantially facilitate the understanding of the results. Contents are allowed to be displayed only once, either in the main text OR in a table OR on a figure. Tables and figures should be placed at the end of the manuscript. Figures should also be submitted in high resolution as separate files. The numbering of tables and figures should be in Arabic and in the order they are referred to in the text. Table titles should be started with ‘Table’ (e.g., Table 1) and be placed above each associated table. Figure captions should be started with ‘Figure’ (e.g., Figure 1) and should be placed below the corresponding figure.

    Supporting Information

    Supporting information is published as Appendix to the corresponding article, but extremely extended materials could be published online only. The content of the supporting information should be clearly referred in the main text. Supporting information, when exceeds a certain mass, will be published as received from the author without any conversion, editing or reformatting.

    Data availability

    The publication of the data used in the study along the article is not required, however, it is possible to include them as Appendix. Extensive datasets are recommended to be uploaded to an online repository, and should be referred in the main text.

    Example of published articles

    The below articles may provide better insight and support in editing the manuscripts prior to submission to Ornis Hungarica.

    Deeming DC, Higher level taxonomy affects body mass and femur length as predictors for egg size in birds

    Briggs KB, Mainwaring MC, The orientation of nestboxes influences their occupation rates and the breeding success of passerine birds

    Submission and review of manuscripts

    Manuscripts may be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief via e-mail. The manuscripts will be evaluated by at least two independent referees, whose professional opinion will be sent to the authors. Based on those reports and the results of checking format requirements, the editor-in-chief makes the decision, which can be the acceptance, revision, or the rejection of the manuscript. We recommend the return of manuscript under revision to the Editor-in-Chief as soon as possible. If the author returns any revised manuscript after more than two months, without preliminary asking an extension, the editorial office will consider it as resubmitted, and will send it to two referees for evaluation again.


    The editorial office will send the proofs to the authors via e-mail. The authors are required to read and make comments on the proof, and return it within a week. That is the last opportunity to perform corrections on the manuscript, however, authors are not allowed to make substantial changes (e.g., insert additional text, delete significant parts). The proof-reading is mainly restricted to the correction of typesetting errors.

    Electronic and printed publication

    To improve publication speed and the accessibility of the articles, we publish articles appearing in Ornis Hungarica in an electronic format. The accepted articles organised into issues will be displayed on both the home pages hosted by the publisher, and by the journal itself. We provide open access to the published articles that may be downloaded by anyone, free of charge, in a PDF format. The issues are also available in print but in a very limited number.